Fight in the Buried Temple _ Altar of the Dead Gods

Up until now, we have revealed numerous details about the upcoming manual of Altar of the Dead Gods.
It's finally time to start discussing the game rules!
Altar of the Dead Gods" is designed for two players, each commanding a warband of seven models acting tactically on the battlefield. Players take turns activating one model at a time, and whenever a model is activated, it has the opportunity to take two actions, such as moving and attacking. In this article, we will focus on attack actions!
When a model attacks another, both roll a number of dice equal to their combat statistic: Prowess for the Attacker and Guard for the Defender. The players then compare their results.
In regular combat, the Defender pairs the dice as they prefer; each die with a result higher than that of the Attacker allows them to block damage! If the Defender's die is equal to or lower than the Attacker’s, the block was unsuccessful, and they will suffer damage. If there are excess Attacker dice (i.e., unable to be paired), the Defender will automatically suffer a wound for each of them.
Look out for Backstabbing!
When an attack occurs in the Defender's Blind Spot, things change! If a player fails to defend the back of their model, and it gets attacked, they suffer a Backstab: now, the Attacker has the advantage and can pair the dice instead of the Defender! Perfect for delivering a finishing blow to an enemy!
Of course, each model can change facing as desired during its movement to avoid leaving its Blind Spot exposed!
Stay tuned for new updates on Altar of the Dead Gods!"
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