Focus on: Altar of the Dead Gods _ The Rules

While waiting to get our hands on the rules of Altar of the Dead Gods, it's time to provide some details about it and the available Warbands!
Pwork Wargames, after obscure rituals, has finally released Altar of the Dead Gods (Pwork-branded skirmish wargame, conceived by Paolo Boracchi and Michele Finelli); while waiting for the pre-sale of the game bundles to conclude (last date: January 7th!), let's delve into the details of rules and warbands!
How do you play Altar of the Dead Gods?
Let's start from the beginning so that the occult gods can consider themselves satisfied...
- 1vs1 Game (two fight, one survives!)
- Fast-paced game: each match consists of 4 turns, lasting about 40-50 minutes.
- Each player controls a warband of 7 models (you can use miniatures you already own; no need to buy specific miniatures).
- Compact playing field: allows you to play even on the kitchen table! The field is divided into squares and does not require measurements during the game.
- Modular scenic elements, changing the setting according to the mission: with the basic set "The Buried Temple," you can play all the missions in the rulebook.
- Alternate activation game: choose the model from your warband that acts, two actions (even identical), one of which can be a Special Action.
- Dice? Use 5-6 six-sided dice (D6).
- Objective of the game? Gain Favor Points by controlling the altars of the Buried Temple: collecting relics, summoning horrors, and eliminating opponents' heroes, all within the deadline of the fourth turn.
Let's rock!
At the beginning of each turn, players compete to determine who acts first (if a warband has fewer models, it gains a bonus to get the Initiative). The player's turn activates their first model, alternating with the opponent, round after round until all components of their warband have been activated.
Warbands advance in the Buried Temple, protecting themselves with scenic elements and exploiting specific ability combos, aiming to eliminate opponents and capture relics and altars (special scenic elements that activate various powers) in quick and brutal turns.
Experience dynamic combat with Altar of the Dead Gods! Attacking models use their Prowess to break through the opponent's Guard: defenders pair dice in their active defense, but beware, when Backstabbed, control switches to the Attacker to pair the dice and deliver the coup de grĂ¢ce! Each model is represented by values and abilities. In the image, you can see an example of a Vampire hero card with its statistics, rules, and special actions (if present).
Explore the Temple!
The game sets up easily and quickly; the play area is limited to a field divided into 32mm squares on which the 5 scenarios in the manual are composed! Each scenario will indicate how to position modular scenic elements to create your arena, as well as the placement of Altars, Sanctuaries, Relics, and necessary objectives! Distances in the game are counted using the squares that make up the Buried Temple, making everything very intuitive; counting squares to move models will allow you to carefully evaluate each move. Missions can be replayed multiple times; it will be your strategy and your warband that will allow you to face your opponent in a different way each time!
The Factions: Choose Your Warband
Obviously, this frenetic and strategically rich clash becomes even deeper when each Faction manages to use its own abilities.
- Hunters: fast, tough, and lethal, the Hunters are the faction with the best shooters in the game. They can use Hounds and Trappers to flush out enemies and have special abilities to empower themselves and set traps.
- Vampires: powerful bloodthirsty undead, Vampires are a truly formidable faction. They possess occult powers that give them the privilege of teleporting and enchanting enemies before draining them in fierce melee combat.
- Blood Witches: lethal enchantresses and cruel hags. They possess magical rituals and curses that they can unleash on opponents. They gain power from wounds suffered and can deploy powerful arcane creatures.
- Decadent Waltz: lost in visions of lust and depravity, they advance in a whirlwind of music and blades. Insane, fast, and dynamic, they enjoy lethal movement and attack abilities to dominate the field.
- Pilgrims of the Church: the Inquisition aims to purify the Temple and its contents. Resilient and equipped with powerful combos, they can invoke true miracles and ignite purifying fires.
- Cultists: through sacrifices and rituals, they can summon Horrors and other terrifying entities. Cultists can sacrifice opponents or have them devoured by summoned Horrors, while gaining power from the altars of the Temple.
We will meet soon for a more in-depth article on the available Warbands for Altar of the Dead Gods; for today, that's all, and may the dark gods be with you!
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